Swedish Bitters
by Nzinga Nzinga
Part 1
For Mrs. Maria
Treben, herbalist of herbalists, crème de la crème of herbalists, whose contribution to the world of natural therapy
, of herbal medicine is timeless. After taking your herbal recommendations, my
life has never been the same. That is a sentiment felt by millions of your admirers. I appreciate
and love you to the max, Mama Maria.
“It can
be said, and rightly so,that
there is hardly any illness where
Bitters is not of benefit,
or at least is
effective as a
basis for every treatment.”
Health Through God’s
My readers may wonder why I am devoting so much time and space to Swedish Bitters. Like the famous Austrian, Maria Treben, who has made it so popular, I have an inordinate love for Swedish Bitters which we both, along with millions of others, consider a wonder herbal remedy. If you are unfamiliar with it, it is usually available at any reliable health food store and if you are lucky, you may find Mrs. Treben’s books there also. The miraculous power of this elixir brings to mind that hackneyed saying of some evangelists, ‘Once you have tried it, your life will never be the same’. I cherish and treasure Swedish Bitters and I thank God for its existence.
At the beginning of my journey into the sphere of natural
therapy, when I was asked, which remedy I would take if I could get only one, after
careful thought, I would say, ‘Vitamin C’. Now, if you ask me the same
question, I will confidently, unhesitatingly and unequivocally say, ‘Swedish
Research informs that
Swedish Bitters was created by the Swiss physician, Dr. Phillipus Paracelsus,
circa 1541. The 250-year-old formula was
revealed in the writings of the well-known Swedish
physician, rector of medicine, Dr. Claus Samst, who drank these bitters
and lived to the ripe old age of 104 when he was the victim of a fatal
horseback riding accident! He used to dispense this herbal elixir in the 17th
century. It is said that all the members of his family partook of this elixir
and also lived to an unusually old age, his parents and grandparents all
reaching a ‘patriarchal age’.
In the manuscript, the formula was called Elixir
ad longam vitam (The Long Life Elixir) and it explained, in forty-six
specific points, the extraordinary power of this elixir. When you get your copy
of Maria Treben’s book, Health through
God’s Pharmacy, you will find the forty-six specific applications there.
Many of us can attest to the wonderful healing power of this elixir.
Treben, an Austrian herbalist and deeply religious woman, re-discovered
this beneficial potion in the 1970s and through her writings and lectures has
popularised it globally beyond belief. So we are beholden not only to Drs.
Paracelsus and Samst but also to Maria Treben for our knowledge and
appreciation of the medicinal properties of Swedish Bitters.
It is reported that, Maria
Treben, author of Health through God’s
Pharmacy and Cures was a highly
acclaimed and much sought-after lecturer in Europe. Wherever she spoke, the
auditoriums were filled to overflowing with enthusiastic crowds eager to hear
Mrs Treben tell of her personal experiences in successfully treating and
relieving even malignant diseases with her completely natural herbal remedies.
Thousands of testimonials have poured in from all over Europe
attesting to and praising the astonishing healing power and rejuvenating
effects of the herbal recipes in Health
through God's Pharmacy. Because these recipes are clear, concise and easy
to understand, it is easy for readers themselves to use these medicinal herbs
and heal their ailments.
Swedish Bitters was
originally developed as a digestive
aid. However, the benefits that were subsequently discovered and
realized since its creation, far outnumber its original purpose. After 400
years, it is one of the most popular herbal remedy found in practically every
kitchen cupboard throughout Europe. If the health food shops continue carrying
this elixir, it will also become one of the most popular natural medicines
found in the homes of folks in the UK, Jamaica, Ghana and the USA. I speak of
places where I know Swedish Bitters is popularly used. It is said that no other
remedy has stood the test of time as Swedish Bitters. It is truly worthy of the
name, ‘Long Life Elixir’. Like Mrs. Treben and many others, I am never without
this household remedy, in my house and in my handbag.
The herbal elixir, Swedish Bitters, is made from the
extracts of 11 herbs. The varied effective medicinal properties of all those herbs
increase through mixture with one another, activating and regulating the digestive system to the
benefit of user’s health and well-being. These herbs are:
Senna leaves
Camphor (only
natural, white)
Rhubarb roots
Theriac Venezian
Carline Thistle roots
Angelica roots
Zedoary roots
[*Gentian root or Wormwood powder may be
substituted for aloe.]
be continued
All the images were taken
from the Internet and I claim no copyright