Wednesday, 16 April 2014



By Nzinga Nzinga
Part 2
For Mrs. Maria Treben, herbalist of herbalists, crème de la crème of herbalists, whose contribution to the world of natural therapy, of herbal medicine is timeless. After taking your herbal recommendations, my life has never been the same. That is a sentiment felt by millions of your beneficiaries and admirers. I appreciate and love you to the max, Mama Maria.  

It can be said, and rightly so, that there is hardly any illness where Swedish Bitters is not of benefit, or at least is effective for every treatment.” 
 Maria Treben, Health Through God’s Pharmacy
How did Mrs. Treben get to know about Swedish Bitters? As she says, ‘It sounds almost like a fairy story, but it is true’. She became ill with typhoid fever, caused by eating contaminated meat in a concentration camp, and through it, came jaundice and an obstruction in the intestines. She spent more than 6 months in hospital. At night she was hit by terribly excruciating pains that shot through her body like a sword. During those moments it became almost impossible for her to sit, stand, walk or lie down. At the same time, she vomited and had diarrhoea. Those were after pains of the typhoid fever which sometimes can go on for years, as the doctor said.

One day a woman, who had heard of her illness and wanted to help her, brought her a small bottle of dark brown, strong smelling liquid together with a handwritten copy of ‘an old manuscript’. It was Swedish Bitters which had relieved this woman of a serious complaint sometime before. The manuscript explained, in forty-six specific points, the extraordinary power of this elixir called, Elixir ad longam vitam (Long Life Elixir), the drops of which heal every illness.

Mrs. Treben put the bottle in the medicine chest because she did not believe that those modest drops could restore her health, since not even the doctor could help her. Soon she changed her mind when she had another attack. As she had been told that these Swedish Bitters could be used externally as well, she did not hesitate for long, and applied them as a compress on her abdomen, put a small plastic bag over the compress and then her girdle and continued her work. A wonderful feeling spread through her body and, suddenly, it felt as if with one movement of the hands, everything morbid in her body was pulled out. She assures us that with this single compress which she had on the whole day, all of the preceding months of agony disappeared, never to return. You can’t ask for a more edifying introduction to a herbal cure than that! I believe every word she said, since I have witnessed such a miracle umpteen times.

From Maria Treben’s revelations, from my own personal experiences and from those of others, I have witnessed, felt and heard of the miraculous cures and effectiveness of Swedish Bitters as a herbal remedy and I wish to share some of them with you and you and you. Most of the experiences recorded here are extracted from Mrs. Treben’s writings. Relax and share.

A woman, who for months suffered from frontal sinusitis, was not only a victim of agonizing headaches, but could also not breathe through her nose. Antibiotics and radiation therapy did nothing to alleviate her distressing condition. It was only when she applied Swedish Bitters as a compress over her forehead, eyes and nose that she felt immediate relief after the first application. After 3 nightly applications large amounts of pus came out of her nose and she was able to breathe normally again. 

I have a similar testimony from an American visitor, here in Ghana, who was severely troubled by sinusitis. On advice from a friend of mine, he plugged up his nostrils with it and was quickly relieved from all the distressing symptoms after excreting a lot of pus, mucous and phlegm from his nose and throat.  

A certain young woman was unsuccessfully undergoing therapy from doctor to doctor. Twice a year, she was being treated by a famous doctor, who finally told her he could not cure her, only ease the trouble. She was eventually sent to Mrs. Treben for help. The herbalist said that on seeing her, she got a shock at her terrible condition which I will describe. She had to be lifted out of the car, crutches were put under her arms and it took her, despite help, more than an hour to come up into her flat on the first floor. The joints of both feet were deformed, the fingers crippled and unable to hold anything. When walking, the body was thrown forward and the legs pulled after. Mrs. Treben learnt that after her fourth child, quite suddenly, almost overnight, this young woman lay crippled in her bed. 

She recommended Swedish Bitters and told her to put her faith in it. Eight months later, Mrs. Treben received a telephone call from the young woman asking if she could meet her at the bus stop. She was baffled, then surprised, when a smiling young woman, still leaning on a stick, descended from the bus. Gone were the stiffness and crippling of the hands as well as the deformation of the legs. Only on the left foot, the knee and ankle were still swollen. 

However, a year later, this too had disappeared completely and she came without a stick, a healthy woman to take the cure for the last time. How did she achieve this miraculous cure? She had merely put 1 tablespoon of Swedish Bitters 3 times daily into a small amount of lukewarm water and sipped it before and after each meal.

A victim of terrible deformation of the joints had been confined to a wheelchair for 15 years.  She took 1 tablespoon of Swedish Bitters in a small amount of water and drank half before and half after a meal 3 times a day. Slowly the deformations receded and she was able to move her joints slightly. After 9 months, this woman who had been tied to a wheelchair for 15 years, could leave her flat for the first time and live a life of total mobility. Thanks again and again and again to Swedish Bitters and Maria Treben!

To be continued
 All the images were taken from the Internet and I claim no copyright

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