Friday 6 June 2014




By Nzinga Nzinga
Part 6

For Mrs. Maria Treben, herbalist of herbalists, crème de la crème of herbalists, whose contribution to the world of natural therapy, of herbal medicine is timeless. After taking your herbal recommendations, my life has never been the same. That is a sentiment felt by millions of your beneficiaries and admirers. I appreciate and love you to the max, Mama Maria.

“It can be said, and rightly so, that there is hardly any illness where Swedish Bitters is not of benefit,or at least is effective as a basis for every treatment.”  Maria Treben, Health Through God’s Pharmacy.

My Mother's Boil

While here in Ghana, my mother suffered from a huge painful underarm 'cow boil'. I never saw that type before. My landlady was a nursing sister and offered to help me get it lanced in the hospital. We took her there. She was put ‘on hold’ in a manner of speaking. We were told that she needed to have an x-ray but there was no water and the doctor said he would not touch her without the x-ray. 

After waiting awhile, I took her back home, bathed the affected area with my homemade calendula tincture, smeared on my homemade Calendula ointment and then applied a Swedish Bitters compress. She drank some Swedish Bitters and took megadoses of vitamins C, E, B complex, Calcium/ Magnesium/Zinc and a multivitamin. Just a few minutes after putting on the compress, the pain ceased. The sister was very impressed. 

The next morning the sister came to help me change the compress and to see how our patient was faring. It was she who professionally removed the bloody compress. The boil was lanced! To say she was impressed is putting it mildly. She was overawed! We repeated the procedure and after removing the pus, a deep cavity remained but it was clean and the flesh was pink. She pointed to the pinkish flesh and expressed astonishment at the rapid healing. 

It was only a matter of days before my mom was fully recovered. No scar. The effective treatment of my mom’s boil made such an impact on the Sister that she would come across to me for recommendations on healing substances for her and her family. You must have realized by this that we were neighbours.

On another occasion my wrist was accidentally cut by a very sharp knife. So much blood! Sister rushed me to the hospital against the advice of my cousin who felt I should use Calendula ointment and Swedish Bitters. I went, got an anti-tetanus jab and a doctor and a nurse had me lying down while he prepared to stitch the wound. I asked if I could put some vitamin E on it before he stitched up. He sneered at me and warned me that if I ever put any vitamin oil on it after I left there and it got infected, he would not allow me back in ‘his’ hospital. 

He asked me where the E oil was. I told him it was in my bag in the care of the Sister. He angrily asked me what I knew about vitamin E saying that the only use it had was to increase oxygen. I didn't reply. I was in pain and I was afraid that since I was lying there in his hospital anything could happen. He mocked me with his nurse while he stitched. 

He left for a few minutes and then returned to tell me I could leave after repeating his threat and saying something disparaging about me to his nurse to her great amusement. I hurried out to Sister for my handbag. I noticed that someone had been in my bag and disturbed the vitamin E container. When I inquired, she said the doctor had taken it out to look at it. I beat a hasty retreat out of there.

The story does not end there. That night, my hand hurt so much I could hardly bear it. I managed to wait until morning and rushed over to Sister to ask her to remove the stitches immediately. She said she couldn't do that and that I had to wait until the scheduled date to return to the doctor, who would remove them. I told her that if she wouldn't, I would somehow use my left hand to tear them out because it felt infected. She realised I was serious and so complied with my request. 

She became upset when she saw that it was already infected. While I suffered excruciating pain, she bathed it with my homemade Calendula tincture, smeared on my homemade Calendula ointment and then put on a Swedish Bitters compress. I swallowed, as I did the previous day, Swedish Bitters, megadoses of vitamins C, E, B complex, Calcium/Magnesium/zinc and a multivitamin. Again when she came the following day to change the dressing, she expressed great amazement at the speedy healing. The pain had disappeared and in a short time the wound healed completely. Just awhile ago, years after,I took a glance at my wrist. No scar. 

This was a really bad experience of mine. I was once struck down with a terrible sickness. It started with what I described as a ‘blow’ to my daughter who was with me. I managed to reach home but eventually fainted and was taken to the hospital where I was given the routine malaria treatment. I returned home the following morning. It was a very strange illness. My condition was deteriorating but I did not want to go back to the hospital. I was treated at home with Swedish Bitters, supplements and herbal teas. 

It’s a long story which I am abbreviating as best I can. My friends who came to visit thought I was going to die. Only my cousin who trusted the natural therapy which I had taught him, and which he was using, kept the faith. When my speech didn't make sense, when cognition eluded me, he would simply say, ‘Is the sickness. You will soon get better.’ It was indeed a hard uphill struggle but eventually I recovered fully, thanks to God and my cousin with my faithful Swedish Bitters playing a key and pivotal role.

Maria Treben

In another blog I related some of the experiences of this critical and mysterious illness. It is related in Concrete Jungle: Without Jah I am Nothing At All in my Up Close  & Personal With Bob Marley Blog @

A few years ago, I was sitting at the back patio of my house with two men, familiars of my household. I suddenly felt faint and cried, ‘Kweku, I am going to faint. Run inside for the Swedish Bitters.’ I heard him telling Lawyer, the man who works with me to run out to the town for a taxi to take me to the hospital. He came with the Swedish Bitters and I vaguely recall him giving me a tablespoon of the undiluted elixir to drink. I must have fainted sometime then. I suddenly woke up with a great desire to go to the toilet and empty my bowels. 

I remember Kweku taking me to the toilet and Lawyer coming to the door saying that the taxi was there. ‘For what?’ I asked. ‘To take you to the hospital, Mammy.’ ‘It’s ok. I am fine. Cancel it. I am not going to the hospital. I am fine.’ I was fine. It’s as if I had not fainted. They said I was unconscious for a brief period and even when Kweku stuck me with a pin I did not react. That is why I am never without Swedish Bitters.

In the ‘old manuscript’, which explains the curative power of Swedish Bitters, there are 46 points, each indicative of an illness which the bitters can cure. According to point 22, ‘if someone has fainted, open his mouth if required, give him 1 tablespoon of the drops and he will come to’. I believed. Someone,  Kweku, who also believed, was there to follow the instructions of the manuscript and voila, I was healed! Thanks again and again to God the master healer, Swedish Bitters, my nearest-to-panacea as I can get, Maria Treben, my herbal guru and Kweku!


On another occasion here in Accra, Ghana, a woman boarded a bus on which I was travelling. She had not only a big basket and a small girl but obviously excruciating pain. The way she gripped her stomach I assumed her agony was seated in that region. The driver even had to stop for her to go outside and vomit. Knowing the efficacy of calamus in such cases, I wanted to help her but I witnessed her travail with mixed feelings.

Not knowing what she might have been taking before or whether it was a troubled appendix or a pregnancy matter, I restrained myself from administering my stuff. On the other hand, I was so distressed that I found it hard to watch her suffering without doing anything. I took the risk of doing something. I signalled to a man who sat beside me to act as interpreter, pulled out my little container of Calamus, chewed some in full sight of those around me, removed the cover from the Swedish Bitters bottle, poured some in the cover and swallowed it. I then asked the man to ask her if she wanted to try those things. She eagerly said ‘yes’ and he gave them to her.Very shortly after, before she or I reached our stop, the pain had disappeared and she was laughing and telling us how good the medicine was.

The story does not end there. About a month later I was standing at another bus stop somewhere in the city when a man, whom I did not recognize, crossed the street to where I was standing and approached me smiling all the while. He recalled the abovementioned incident on the bus and identifying himself as the one who interpreted for me, expressed his gratitude for the help I had rendered the ailing woman.

How did I just happen to have Calamus Root and Swedish Bitters on the bus? That’s easy. I am never without those two miraculous remedies. Calendula is the third. They go with me wherever I go.

Dear Reader, if you had the stamina to read through these episodes of my   Swedish Bitters story, you cannot help but understand my profound love, my immeasurable admiration and my indomitable faith and trust in this miraculous elixir. I can only hope that you have derived some benefit fr om it. 

There are several endorsements from users of Swedish Bitters that it serves as a protection against the downside or ravages of the aging process by boosting immune function, increasing alertness and enhancing memory and mental function in general. In short, it promotes good physical and mental health. 

Let me run this past you again. Swedish Bitters is considered to be an elixir for longevity therefore one of the benefits of taking it is its anti-aging properties. Not only does it address many ailments, but it also helps the individual look and feel younger in the process. 

Thank God for endowing the originator of Swedish Bitters, with the knowledge understanding and wisdom to prepare it and Maria Treben for spreading its goodness and effectiveness all over Planet Earth until it reached even me. 
Read Maria Treben's books, Health Through God’s Pharmacy and Cures for further testimonies. 

All the images were taken from the Internet and I claim no copyright. 

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