Wednesday 16 April 2014


                                         VERTIGO (MENIERE’S DISEASE)  

                                               THE SPINNING FEELING

                                                            By Nzinga Nzinga

Part 2

Natural supplements that have been recommended for vertigo treatment.

Someone wrote, very wisely, that with so many different causes, it is sometimes easier to treat the symptoms only to get rid of the discomfort. I am using this opportunity to praise Gingko Biloba, one of my favourite herbs, which is a specific for vertigo. I quote from some research material:

Gingko biloba is one of the most widely researched herbs worldwide. It is well known for increasing blood flow to the head and brain. For example, it can be very helpful in preventing or reversing tinnitus, macular degeneration, loss of taste or smell, or, in particular, short term memory loss. I sometimes tell my patients that I passed all my board exams on gingko! It gives me a photographic memory within about 3 days. Make sure you are getting a high quality gingko, which claims to contain 24% ginkgo heterosides, or gingkolisides. Start with 250 mg daily until the vertigo seems significantly diminished in severity and frequency and then reduce to a maintenance dose of 40-60 mg daily."

I take gingko, though not because of vertigo. I was not aware that it is a specific for vertigo until after I started making it a part of my daily supplements. I take it for mental alertness, ill-effects of ageing, including memory loss. It doesn’t help me with my short term memory loss like leaving the pot unattended on the fire or stopping between the bedroom and the living room, wondering what is my reason for going to the living room! I am taking ginkgo, so why do I ask my grandson too frequently, "Yoofi, why am I going to the kitchen?"  Or the living room, or outside? 

However, my mind is extremely sharp when it comes to crossword puzzles. I am an addict facilitated by online puzzles. I remember words and information I didn’t even know I knew! I just left to read the gingko bottle and realized that failure of relieving the short term memory loss can possibly be laid at my door because the daily dosage is 1 three times daily and I take only 1 a day. As of today, I will start taking the recommended 3 a day. C’est la vie.

Ginger has been shown to have a positive effect of stopping major cases of vertigo if taken before they get into full swing. When you feel vertigo coming on, have some ginger tea or anything with large amounts of ginger in it. Why not just chew it? I can't imagine that you will have enough time or be in a position to make tea. This will help the attack subside quickly. Make it a regular ingredient in your meals to prevent future attacks of vertigo. 

The easy availability of ginger makes this a great vertigo home remedy. Why not drink ginger tea hot or cold regularly in the mornings or at lunchtime? Ginger  is actually a very healthy herb and the use of ginger, either added as a spice to your food, or taken as a supplement, can provide many health benefits.

It has been found that B vitamin deficiency, especially niacin (B3), is often found in vertigo patients. An addition or increase of Vitamin B complex plus extra B3 where applicable, may be a wise move.

Valerian, in capsule or tincture form, can be an effective remedy for some vertigo sufferers.

You may also wish to try some of the following recommendations:
•        Drink 2-3 glasses of ice cold water when you have a vertigo attack or feel one coming on. This is said to work very swiftly and effectively to stave off or diminish the severity of an attack.
•        Find out what triggers your vertigo attacks and avoid those triggers. For some people, it might be a combination of foods, caffeine or chocolates. I read a testimony from someone who reported that almond is a proven trigger for her. In addition, go even further and find out what is the cause of your vertigo. In that way, you can treat the underlying cause and not just the symptoms in order to prevent future vertigo attacks.
•        Get adequate sleep and avoid sudden head movements that might trigger your vertigo.  
•        Drink adequate amounts of fluid daily,
•        Change positions slowly to avoid dizziness and disorientation.
•        Limit the amount of salt you eat each day to decrease the pressure in your inner ear.
•        Exercise - Try to take a half hour walk every day if possible.
•        Add the peel of citrus fruit to your smoothies, salads and other foods. The strong citrus scent is said to keep your senses alert and this method will also help you get bioflavonoid a component of vitamin C complex, a deficiency of which may cause vertigo. 
  • Include fish oil capsules to increase omega-3 intake, reduce inflammation, improve circulation, and reduce blood pressure. 
·  You may wish to  try Vinpocetine, a periwinkle extract that improves circulation to the brain.  2 or 3 mg a day is a good starting dose, You may initially need to take half of a 5 mg pill.

I will mention here a patented treatment I saw online. I am not advertising it because I know nothing about it except what I have read from their promotion. It is called VertiFree which the promoters say is a 100% homeopathic formula and contains the following ingredients in therapeutic dosage: Cocculus (30C), Lobelia inflata (30C), Bryonia (30C), Gelsemium (30C). If interested, why not Google it?

You are advised not take all these supplements at the same time. Give each one a week to learn how it makes you feel. Once you know the effects on your body of each one separately, you may combine them in low doses.

Some causes?

·       Dehydration is said to be a cause. Folks like me who don’t feel thirsty so are low on drinking water, should take special note. I drink water only because I am forced to, knowing of its absolute necessity. Make sure you have been drinking adequate amounts of fluids, preferably water, especially if you’re working out or in a warm climate.

Vertigo has been associated with high cholesterol, high blood sugar (diabetes), hypertension (hi-blood pressure) and hypotension (low blood pressure). Normally, my blood pressure tends to be on the low side, but it soared up on a visit to USA and my vertigo attack occurred during that period. So I have to conclude that my attack was a result of hypertension.

·        Vertigo can be a side-effect of some prescription drugs, notably steroids.
·        Not infrequently, vertigo is caused by debris in the inner ears, called “otoliths” (or ear rocks) from head injury, infection or degeneration (usually from aging).
·        In Traditional Chinese Medicine, vertigo is thought to be caused by “wind” which gets into the head through the ears and causes “phlegm” to accumulate. Protect your ears against wind, and avoid using a hairdryer directly over the ears. Foods to help reduce the ill effect of “wind” include celery, basil, pine nuts, coconuts, flax oil and chamomile tea.

To recap, let me run this past you again.
Vertigo or Meniere’s disease is said to be an affliction which includes the following symptoms: Feeling of oneself and other objects spinning around, loss of balance or equilibrium, dizziness or wooziness, loss of hearing, ringing in the ears, and acute nausea, frequently accompanied by vomiting, distortion of sound and a feeling of pressure in the inner ear, fainting and sweating. The dizziness can vary between simple unsteadiness and violent whirling vertigo. If the victim has a chance to get a naturally induced sleep, he or she may be able to sleep it off and wake up recovered.

The disease, whose symptoms were first collectively described by Prosper Meniere in 1861, usually strikes sufferers between the ages of forty and sixty, and more frequently strikes men more than women. I recently read that Dr. Meniere and a certain otologist, Dr. Miles Atkinson, believed that there is a connection between migraine headaches and vertigo. I don’t have migraines or any other headaches but a dear friend has both conditions so I will pass on to her that information via email this very minute.

As I mentioned above, I did not know that there were so many sufferers of vertigo until I had my episode. I know a family of sisters who are all victims of the violent type. I have a relative and some friends who get it mildly, just a simple unsteadiness in the mornings on awaking so that they have to sit down on the bed for awhile and wait for the dizziness to pass before getting up steadily onto their feet. 

There are others who get acute attacks abruptly and are laid low, very low, indeed, as in my case. Some are on prescription drugs, some of which make them sleep for more than a day. Sleep seems to be a healing factor. When I learnt of the many victims, I told myself that if I lived in Jamaica, I would start a group where folks with this condition could meet.

The End
 All the images were taken from the Internet and I claim no copyright. 

1 comment:

  1. Hiv disease for the last 3 years and had pain hard to eat and cough are nightmares,especially the first year At this stage, the immune system is severely weakened, and the risk of contracting opportunistic infections is much greater. However, not everyone with HIV will go on to develop AIDS. The earlier you receive treatment, the better your outcome will be.I started taking ARV to avoid early death but I had faith in God that i would be healed someday.As a Hiv patent we are advise to be taking antiretroviral treatments to reduce our chance of transmitting the virus to others , few weeks ago i came on search on the internet if i could get any information on Hiv treatment with herbal medicine, on my search i saw a testimony of someone who has been healed from Hiv her name was Achima Abelard and other Herpes Virus patent Tasha Moore also giving testimony about this same man,Called Dr Itua Herbal Center.I was moved by the testimony and i contacted him by his OR We chatted and he send me a bottle of herbal medicine I drank it as he instructed me to.After drinking it he ask me to go for a test that how i ended my suffering life of Hiv patent,I'm cured and free of Arv Pills.I'm forever grateful to him Drituaherbalcenter.Here his contact Number +2348149277967...He assure me he can cure the following disease..Hiv,Cancer,Herpes Virus,Hpv,Pile,Weak Erection,Lyme Disease,Epilepsy,Glaucoma.,Brain Tumor,psoriasis, Cataracts,Macular degeneration,Cardiovascular disease,Lung disease.Enlarged prostate,Osteoporosis.Alzheimer's disease,
    Dementia. ,Bladder Cancer,Autism,Colorectal Cancer,Breast Cancer,Kidney Cancer,Leukemia,Lung Cancer,Tay tach disease,Non Hodgkin Lymphoma,Skin Cancer,Lupus,Uterine Cancer,Prostate Cancer, Seizures, fibromyalgia ,ALS,Hepatitis,Copd,Parkinson disease.Genetic disease,Fibrodysplasia disease,Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva,Fluoroquinolone Toxicity Syndrome,Stroke,Hpv,Weak Erection,Liver/Kidney Inflammatory,Men/Woman infertility, bowel disease ,Huntington's disease ,Diabetes,Fibroid...
